Look forward to shit...
Yesterday, every time I changed my son's nappy he had only made a pee. Yes, a pee nappy is far better than a toxic mess, but when they are that age it is important to monitor their stool frequency. It isn't as regular as clockwork. So by late afternoon and while changing him again, we made a pact that the only time I would put on a new nappy was if he had made a poo. He unfortunately did not uphold his end and when my wife got home, she frowned at me wondering why our son had suddenly picked up so much weight. Just kidding, it wasn't that bad. So, everytime he made even the slightest fart (some are trumpeted) during the night and this morning, I jumped up expecting a reward based on our agreement. I know this sounds strange, but I have never before looked forward to a shit nappy as today. Then it happened. I was so excited I immediately messaged my wife. She knows I'm a nut so she merely replied with a smiling emoji. Afterwards, when my son offered a smile of rel...