It is done!

This is it!

After months of drowning in a sea of information, the day has finally dawned. The itch has been scratched. Yes guys, the time has come to start applying the final polish and putting the picture up for all to see.

What started as a life-long dream has turned into a reality. I have finished it, finally. Yes, my story is ready to be shared. For all of you that supported and lied (sorry, but the first drafts you raved about were really mediocre), I appreciate it. As for the rest that laughed at the thought of me writing, thank you so much more. You did, in fact, spur me on the most!

After being able to actually nail myself to the chair and write, the daunting task of finding out where and how to publish was quite easy. Far less stresful than putting the words down on screen. For any body wondering how they can format their work to be accepted by most publishers, there are guidelines available. Do you have a manuscript locked away in the closet of your mind, all I can say is: Spring Clean, Take it out, dust it off, there are people out there that want to read it.

I will keep this blog updated as the whole process unfolds - how often, I don't know at this stage in time. If there are any new authors with WIP's, or that have recently published, feel free to share the experience. And for those that are contemplating doing it, there are so many forums on the net to motivate you.

Speak soon!


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